Walkabout Wrexham & District Volunteer Group
The walks were first started in 2001 by Walkabout Wrexham, a Groundwork Wrexham and Flintshire project, and were funded by the Big Lottery from April 2007 until March 2010. From April 2010, the newly created volunteer walking group called 'Walkabout Wrexham & District' has been carrying on the free walks, now with the help of donations.
The group is now made up of volunteer walk leaders and together, they aim to raise money so they can continue to offer programmes of free walks to the public as well as providing insurance for the walk leaders.
Walkabout Wrexham & District would particularly like to thank the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley A.O.N.B. as well as Denbighshire County Council who generously support the walks.